The API allows users to customize and deploy the multi-tenant architecture controlling the Mobile App and the Manager system.

Setting up the OHTK API

What you'll need

  • python 3.8 or higher
  • pip
  • Laravel Valet (if using a proxy over HTTP)


Get the latest version of ohtk-api

git clone https://github.com/onehealthtoolkit/ohtk-api.git
cd ohtk-api

It is recommended that you install the required packages via a virtual environment (such as venv):

python -m venv pickavirtualenvname
source pickavirtualenvname/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start a Postgres Server

You can use the Postgres MacOS app for an easy-to-use interface.

Update database settings (config/settings.py)

DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': 'database name', 'USER': 'username', 'PASSWORD': 'password', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '', } }

Run Django manage.py commands

python ./manage.py migrate
python ./manage.py createsuperuser

Test data commands

./manage.py dumpdata --format=yaml accounts> accounts/fixtures/accounts.yaml
./manage.py loaddata --format=yaml accounts

Start Local Server

python ./manage.py runserver

Start Proxy (using Laravel Valet)

valet proxy opensur --secure

Navigate to https://opensur.test/admin/ or http://opensur.test/graphql/

Remove a proxy using the unproxy command:

valet unproxy opensur

Make sure everthing is working with these test commands

./manage.py test accounts.tests.test_admin_authority_user_crud.AdminAuthorityUserTests.test_update_with_error
./manage.py test reports.tests.test_admin_category_crud.AdminCategoryTests.test_simple_query
./manage.py test cases.tests.test_admin_state_definition_crud.AdminStateDefinitionTests.test_update_with_error